Estate Planning
Planning for the future is one of the most loving things you can do for your family, friends and the organizations you love. You may have concerns such as:
- What happens if I become incapacitated?
- Who will care for my children and will there be any controls on their handling of their share of the estate?
- Will my children have to open an expensive Court Probate proceeding to distribute my assets?
- Will my children, beneficiaries or estate have to pay estate taxes?
- What if I have a child that is irresponsible or my spouse becomes incapacitated after I am gone?
- We are entering a second marriage, how do we plan for the distribution of the assets we are bringing to the marriage?
Unfortunately, all the information concerning Wills, Trusts, Living Wills and other necessary estate planning documents can seem confusing. We will help you through the process and make sure you understand and have the best plan possible for your of organizing your affairs and helping to ease any transition that may occur in the future. Don't gamble with the future. Make sure your plan is in place.
We have prepared plans for individuals with many millions of dollars in assets as well as for those with modest estates. It is important for everyone to have a will and to spell out who makes health care and other decisions for you if you are ever unable to do so for yourself.
The process will be understandable, pain free and sensible when you work with us.

A slack hand causes poverty,but the hand of the diligent makes rich.
Proverbs 10:4